A durable, 100% ceramic pour-over coffee maker, the Bee House Dripper uses vortex ridges to wick coffee into your cup through 2 holes in the dripper’s flat bottom for an evenly-extracted, bright, vibrant cup.
You will need
- Bee House ceramic single cup brewer
- Melitta #4 filter
- Grinder
- 21 g (3 tbsp) of coffee
- Hot water just off the boil (195-200°F)
- Scale
- Timer
- Stir stick
- Mug or Carafe
How to brew coffee with a Bee House dripper
- Heat 12 fl oz (or 340 g) of water to 195-200°F.
- Weigh out 21 g of coffee and grind at medium fine.
- Place paper filter in the dripper and rinse it with hot water. This will avoid a paper taste in your coffee and also pre-heat the dripper.
- Place ground coffee in the filter.
- Place the dripper on top of your mug or carafe.
- Pour enough hot water to evenly wet all the grounds.
- Wait 30 seconds, allowing the coffee to “bloom”, or de-gas and bubble up.
- Pour remaining hot water in a circular motion, starting in the center, to achieve even extraction.
- Wait for coffee to drip through, ideally for 3 minutes. *Tip: If it brews too quickly, try pouring slower next time. If it takes too long to brew, try pouring faster.
- Serve & enjoy!